End Times Exit Strategy Daniel 12

Return of Christ, Rescuing our own from the Apostasy

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End Times: If I am saved, why the warnings?

“Exit Strategy” (seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

 If I am saved by Jesus’ death, as my sin substitute, why was all the other teaching necessary? Why all the warnings spoken by Him? Why teach us behavior choices? Why give us “The Way” if He accomplished it for us? In fact He showed us, what we must become, to enter the kingdom. For many this will be distressing.

God spoke through His Son, to teach us. He taught about more than our asking Himself to be Lord. Jesus expected us to believe Him to the point of entrusting obedience, making Him Lord. As we covered earlier, believe means to entrust. (John 3:36)

Mankind really did not know for sure who Jesus was until He was resurrected. That which man had sought access to, life after death, Jesus proved possible. Why did Jesus teach all that He did if our salvation was achieved when Jesus died for us, when we asked Him to be Lord of our lives and be our savior? Paul says His teachings hold our salvation as Christ likeness becomes us.

Jesus was the Word made flesh. We are to be flesh made Word. Our image and likeness to God waits while our flesh hinders us. We, first dominated by our flesh, become Word via our obedience to His teachings. His life and Words are to take dominion and redefine us.

Paul answers the salvation question this way. Romans 5:10  ” For while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”  Paul separates salvation into two events. The beginning and the end! The Alpha and the Omega! In between times, we must maintain what we have received freely.

The preparations Jesus made for Himself as the Son of Man will also prepare us. These preparations were to qualify us for final access to the kingdom. Immigrant’s once had to know some English, some history, about some laws, the ways, the truths and the life of the United States, to be allowed into citizenship. Heaven is no different. This is why Jesus and the disciples taught “the kingdom of God.”

They taught the Way to the kingdom, the Truth of the kingdom, the Life of the kingdom! “Wait a minute Mike that is not what Jesus said.” Yes it is. Jesus spoke it to Thomas in John 14:4, “And you know the way where I am going.” “I am…the way, the truth, the life…” Jesus is saying God (I AM) is the way. He is saying I am teaching the way, the truth, the life, I and the Father are One. If you had known Me you would have known the Father (because I represent Him exactly!) From now on you know Him… Jesus showed us the “way” of the kingdom. That is why He said to Thomas, “You know the “way” where I am going.”  The phrasing seemed strange to us until we realize what Jesus was saying. The early church was known as followers of “The Way,” Acts 9:2. Thomas did not get it initially. Have we?

“Wait a minute Mike, Jesus qualified us!” No, He made reconciliation to God possible by His death and through our recognition that we need Him as a Savior and Lord. Once He is (declared) Lord by us, our Lord Jesus makes possible our future actual and final salvation. Our actual obedience to His teachings, His commands, His life examples, must follow. He has given us “the keys of the reign of the kingdom.” (Original text Matthew 16:19, Young’s Literal Translation) These keys reign over the kingdom. We must be in submission to these keys or it will be seen as rebellion in heaven. We remember what happened to the rebellious in heaven. Why talk about keys if they are not required? How can we not seek to know what they are? They are in His Words, the way, truth and life of His existence as the Word shares. This is a distressing message but it is life-giving to those who receive and impliment it.

If I am to be saved by Jesus, the combination of His death and His Life according to Paul, am I not also saved by the Word? (John 1:1-14) The two cannot be separated! What Jesus did by dying for us opened the door to eternal possibilities through what He taught us, through Him. In His final hours the two were combined. As He was dying, He taught.

The church world is in jeopardy until a specific teaching is preached. Jesus said it shall be preached. “It” is not about getting saved. It is about staying saved and how to do so. It is not about a day or an hour. It is about an event that Jesus prophesied and followers will initiate when understanding fills our hearts and obedience grips our souls. It will rush across the earth as the sunrise, birthing new followers from believers, all declaring their readiness to God. We will then know what only God has known because only He knows US! He knew when we would understand and respond and prepare for darkness! The end will begin with darkness. The return of Christ will be set in motion. No man will know the day or hour. Followers however will not fret. Our confidence in Him will set our heart on eternity and not on this life. “for whoever may will to save his life shall lose it; and whoever may lose his life for my sake and for the good news sake he shall save it.” (Mark 8:35 Young’s Literal Translation)

See post six. We have a message to preach and…

He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

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