End Times Exit Strategy Daniel 12

Return of Christ, Rescuing our own from the Apostasy

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Exit Strategy End Times: “The Five Fold League of Servants 1”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

Epilogue or an Epiphany; which do we offer?

Has the future, the eternity we have spoken of with conviction and believed would one day come to pass, been displaced?

As leaders, do we find ourselves wondering at times, “When will the end come?” Are we so captured by our frustrations that our hope to succeed in this life overshadows the hope of the next life; is life so good that our joy is in our life?

Do you sense God is bringing eternity to the forefront as we daily see the Word being fulfilled? Is it shaking us awake or are we burying it in convenient denial, expecting a reprieve? Do we find ourselves parroting the common position which says, “This has happened before, things got better, it was not the time.”

Have we forsaken the Lord’s absolutes when those absolutes apply to our hearts today not just tomorrow right before He comes? When is our tomorrow? We do not know for sure. Be it sudden or prolonged suffering, our life, our heart and soul, will be measured by the Word of God upon our exit. How much more severe that measurement, to a member of the Five Fold League of Servants?

Reaching for the life preserver of God’s Word will come too late when the eastern sky splits open. The Word says people will mourn at His return. No wonder. Would we first agree it has been grace, that our Savior has not come yet? Are we truly ready? That grace indicates God does not think we are, desiring that none should perish.

God is now using trouble, to get our attention. This should indicate urgency to us. As we have prayed, “Thy will be done…” includes the horrific descriptions foretold by Jesus and confirming acts of violence, exceptional acts historically, that we see today. Everything that can be shaken will be.

So, what will happen to us between now and then? “Like in the days of Noah…” is how Jesus put it. In the end times, according to Daniel, “a steward … will rise up, who stands guard over the sons of your people.” (Daniel 12:1 NAS) Great distress occurs. (Daniel 12:1) His rising has something to do with it. Evidently he brings a distressing message? Jesus also brought a distressing message. He says, (I paraphrase) the preaching of the saving power of enduring love, the good news of, a description of the kingdom according to Jesus, will occur as a witness around the world. (Matthew 24:14 NASB) The message, to be willing to lay down our lives while with interceding with love for our lost persecutors, will be a shocking witness of our faith to unbelievers and marginal Christians. Christ did it first.

Jesus in Matthew 24;13-14, speaks of staying saved not getting saved. This is a dramatic change to the church’s common thoughts on this verse. This will shake things up but as God intended, it “saves” us. Enduring love “saves” us. Faith in that message “saves” us. Faith in the message because Christ delivered it, “SAVES” us IF we implement it.

Our living in these unique times is a prophesied opportunity! It requires our preparation. Living and reigning with Christ for a thousand years may depend on our preparation. (Revelations 20: 4-6) This verse may shake you up. It did me.

Darkness will rise as God has declared it would. It has its purpose. A necessary awakening occurs. Will it be a final comment about us or a life changing event for us?

Daniel’s messenger is offering either an epilogue or an epiphany. As the Five Fold League of Servants, our course is clear.

(See The Five Fold League of Servants 2)

PLEASE forward posts to your friends (pastors) via email or copy and paste site in your browser. Help get the message around the world.

The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

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Exit Strategy End Times: “Unacceptable to God now is unacceptable to God then.”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

The posts you have read or will read are meant to prepare us for times ahead yes, but as I said to someone the other day when asked about the rapture, “What is unacceptable to God then, is unacceptable to Him NOW.

If we are removed “pre-trib” that is great but what about between now and then? To God, is unforgiveness an acceptable condition in our hearts ever? Is hatred? Is bitterness? The Law of the Spirit of Life must be functioning in us, otherwise condemnation kills us. Romans 8:1-2 (NKJV, NASB)
1  There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. “For” primary particle assigning a reason. Strong’s 1063. The question we must all ask ourselves is, “has it made us free, is it ruling our heart?” We are subject to one law or the other. Implementing one negates the other. 

Our eligibility for the rapture, whenever it is, is absolutely linked to Christ first and then as we live, to our obedience, (John 3:36) to our embracing His Way, the only Way, implementing the Words of eternal life.

Keeping His Law of the Spirit of Life is how we avoid condemnation once reconciled to God by Christ’s death. This life-giving law is demonstrated by Christ’s life and confirmed in Roman’s 5:10 “…we are saved by His life.” 

What if the sins that were forgiven us by God were our sins previously committed and now (after reconciliation to God through Christ) we must forgive to be forgiven? That is really great news unless you have trouble forgiving. “Sins previously committed” is what Paul said in Romans 3:25 NKJV and NASB. Look it up. In addition, forgiving to be forgiven is in the Lord’s Prayer and reiterated in the verse following as spoken by Jesus. Matthew 6:9-14.

Regarding doctrine it is possible God’s biggest mountain to move, in bringing His children to actual salvation, is traditional or doctrinal adoptions. We cast it in stone when God does not or we forget the interconnecting aspects of His Word; aspects meant to balance or formulate our doctrines. I believe establishing doctrines is our constant search for safe ground but what if understanding comes that changes our thinking? This has only happened a gazillion times in history.

“So we have been wrong?” I address this throughout the book. I supply our escape route. I blame it on God. He is willing to take the blame because His sovereignty rules and His love for us reigns. It is not that what we have understood did not help or that we were wrong. We were faithful to what we understood.

Now, our Father is expanding on the truth we have relied upon because the Truth is meant to achieve a higher standard than we realized. It is and has always been a Christ-like standard. What that standard may entail begins now with our everyday life experiences and deepens should the Lord tarry and our faith be tested on a more serious level.

Never-the-less, becoming proficient in Christ-likeness is expected of us from our beginning reconciliation until we die or are raptured, entering salvation, like Janis has.

Whatever life doles out, once reconciled to God, we are to submit to Christ’s (The Father’s) instructions because they are meant to “save us.” If we do not submit here why should God expect us to submit there? There will be no more rebellions in heaven. Whats more, our submission must be heartfelt. This is our victory or our death-knell. It is our choice.

Grace may actually have fogged the glass we have been looking through darkly! Yes, it is very possible! Abraham did not know what the future held exactly. Noah had never seen rain. Did the Disciples know in advance they would die serving Christ? We know they only saw partially until life after death was proven to them by Christ’s resurrection. Imagine if when you answered God’s call to reconciliation (salvation) you were told clearly, “OK, at some point you must be willing to lay down your life, to be murdered, to see your family murdered, to be martyred for your faith!” ALSO, during this, you must pray sincerely for the salvation of those killing you!.” Oh sure, that is good news! There is a reason we see darkly. Today, we have an advantage. Real life context helps. Today, we are seeing real life biblical context. It will either steel our convictions or corrupt our concepts.  Apostasy is the latter.

It is hard enough to die to self spiritually. Many still find success fleeting. God’s grace is allowing us to practice grace by spiritually dying daily to offenses. Dying physically might be a relief after a lifetime of dying to self, enduring with love and intercession for those who (if we are here) will do harm to us. The fact that we are here now and understand cements our responsibility to fervently practice Christ-likeness now. Then is surely coming. “… and then the end will come. ” Matthew 24:14 (NASB)

The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

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Exit Strategy End Times: “They shall know you by your love for one another?”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

It has been 2 1/2 months since losing Janis to a prolonged lung disease. I understand the third month is most difficult. I would say yes it is.

I have been guarded by friends and family the entire time. A day does not go by without a call, text, or email from someone or several someone’s who care. Thank you and may God reward your kindness and love. It has been priceless to me. Janis’ request that you watch over me and  her knowing that our friends would do so without her asking has been a testimony to your love for Janis as well as myself.

I often said “Everyone loves Janis…. they tolerate me.” As it turns out maybe I wasn’t so bad after all. Even God has rebuked me to not speak that way. Everyone’s boundless love has left me ashamed to belittle myself diminishing their point of view and any effort on their part to love and comfort me. God is in their compassion and love. Not just Janis, I too am loved. Thank You Lord. Thank You.

Janis and I have friends around the world. I would love for you to hit the comment button saying where you are from and comment in whatever way you wish. Tolerating me is not to be …. well, if you feel that way.

The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, many others and around the world.

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Exit Strategy End Times: “My reaction.”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

We are reaching into Canada, Belize, Russia and of course USA including Alaska. Praise God and thank you for sharing with others. You can find all posts easily at   exitstrategydaniel12.com

Thank you for the emails both expressing your support and also your concern for me relative to my Janis passing into the Lord’s care.

My reaction is this, I have one agenda, the rescue of souls now destined for the loss of their salvation because of the struggles coming. The Apostasy (the falling away of believers) will take many who at this moment believe they are secure in Christ. “Lord didn’t we…” (Matthew 7)

Have we become disciples? Do we study the Word frequently if not daily? Are we absolutely aware of HOW we are to endure so as to be saved? Do we even have a hunger for understanding or are we “resting” in our own ignorance of the Word while thinking Jesus has everything covered. Does He know us? Do we know Him beyond our Christmas and Easter (Resurrection Day) knowledge?

I know many reading this truly seek God and His wisdom. Many have taken into their spiritual grasp the keys to the kingdom of heaven, the good news of the kingdom, the understanding that Christ’s enduring love brings us into salvation. The foresight this holds will empower us to endure unto salvation no matter what we experience. We MUST share this power with others, saved or unsaved. Do not assume to know.

In my last post I compared God “taking” my Janis to a persecutor taking my Janis by killing her if we did not renounce our faith in Jesus. I meant to catch you off guard by using these uncharacteristic statements (for me) as a “hook.” The compassion I heard from you, the encouragement I received was wonderful. I also realize I often put out food that requires chewing on. “Hard questions” as one friend put it. “Deep thoughts” as another responded. They also questioned whether “borrowing tomorrow’s troubles” was wise and yet I know this person does not hide their head in the sand, they are hungry, hungry, hungry, and are in fact very mature in the Lord. Agreeing with them, as Jesus said, “Today has enough troubles of its own.”

My calling is to blow the Shofar, to blow it as long and as loud as I can, until God takes my breath away. It is the warning Jesus Himself first declared by the Father’s inspiration. “When you see these things happening..”

My post, “What should my reaction be?” laid out before you my choice. Was I willing to accept God’s will for my life and Janis’? Am I willing to accept His will for this world and eternity? Do I really have a choice? Do I have an eternal perspective including the defining enduring characteristics that Jesus taught as the good news of the kingdom?

As a comparison, IF we are to suffer persecution, am I ready to accept that truth as the will of God? Am I willing to be encouraged by realizing I myself will become a person of prophecy? Will I see beyond the moment into the great beyond?

God through Christ has told us these things WILL HAPPEN. If Christ submitted to the will of His Father, are we not being raised up to do the same? These troubles (and I have had some) certainly test us. By the fire of God, by the testing of our hearts, will we stand in faithful submission. “Tho He slay me yet will I praise Him.” “They loved not their lives, even unto death.” Is God in this difficulty? “They will hate you on account of Me.” If we reject, run from, or deny the prophecies of the Word of God and His Son, we not only abdicate our royal family place, we deny the Word of God, we deny Jesus, the Word. “If you deny (are ashamed of) Me before men I will deny you (be ashamed of you) before My Father.” (emphasis)

If my life experience can speak to you of preparation when Janis passing was NOT persecution but only a similitude, then you have understood. By grace God prepared me by sharing His will “I want her with me.” Of course I pressed on in prayer. Now I realize the grace that was in His preemptive kindness. There is no question. “Did I not pray enough Lord? Was I not faithful enough Lord? Did I not love Janis enough Lord?” NO. His will was done. My rest is in that fact. He is my peace. Will our rest be in the facts, as the future as He has told it unfolds?

I thank God that I have ONLY praised Him. ONLY!  As my loving Aunt Doris  shared, hearing her concern for me in a response after reading the post in question, she said in her (similar) times of distress, when it was she and God, she prayed to avoid bitterness, she kept the faith!” Oh yes. I have witnessed her bubbling joy and kindness. She loved Janis, as everyone did. She loves me and I am glad. What a beautiful example of Christ she is.

To my special friends, I am not borrowing trouble from tomorrow. Yes we must live day by day. What I lacked in clarity please forgive.

What I am saying is, in the same way we save money for the future, knowing the future is coming, let us prepare for the future knowing the future God has declared is coming. Live a life of joy today having prepared for tomorrow.

Let us check our preparation honestly “as we see these things happening.” Know in your heart each day that you let the Holy Spirit reign you in, not saying what you were about to say about someone, for instance. Then know that you have taken it one step further.

As you pray for some offending person or situation today, have joy knowing you are practicing your preparation, you are emptying yourself of a part of you that will never get into heaven, you are replacing that part with a new Way. In doing so, you are literally grasping and turning the keys to the kingdom of heaven today in practice for tomorrow; on a day when you may really need it.

If, like Janis, you go to meet Jesus before the challenge of personal persecution, like her, know you have practiced the grace filled life of eternity. You will have endured on the level God ordained for your life. So whether it is on TV news, at work or with family, you will know your love will not have grown cold toward anyone. You will have found the compassion of Christ for those who often do not know what they are doing. This is our goal. This has been God’s will since Adam. “This” is the good news of the kingdom. God is trying to help. Let Him! Then help others.

The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, many others and around the world.

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Exit Strategy End Times: “What should my reaction be?”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

In Matthew 24:3-23, Jesus speaks of the trials followers can expect to go through. These are frightening things, threatening things, deceiving things. He says we will be hated by all nations because of Him. In fact it is His love, His Way of loving, that we are to maintain, enduring to be saved. 

In verse Matthew 24:10 it says, “And at that time many will fall away…” (to fall away you must have believed at some point, Paul says “reconciled” in Romans 5:10. We say “saved” Look it up.)

In verse 24: 12-13 it says, “And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.  But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved.”

If love growing cold is a lethal problem for us, saving enduring love must be our goal. Only we can prepare ourselves to (lovingly) endure. Paul spoke “I press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

An effort must be made on our part as God calls to us through Christ Jesus. Paul certainly did not consider it works. He saw it as responding, obeying and in obeying he “pressed on.”

After years and thousands of people around the world praying faithfully for the healing of my Godly wife Janis, God says to me, “I want her with me.” Within hours, she departed. What about all those prayers, those promises? What should my reaction be?

We shudder as we ask ourselves if we can endure the terrible forecast of Christ? We have trouble enduring the evening news without a curse if not from our lips, it may be hidden in our hearts! Woe, woe, woe unto us. Lord please help us.

God did to me,…..exactly what our persecutors might have done, He took the love of my life away from me. What should my reaction be?

Everything we are seeing in life that provokes us to anger or unforgiveness can be used in the plot of the enemy to capture us. By provoking us WE violate the Word of God, we defeat ourselves. What Word? Probably several scriptures but one in particular.“For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.”  Matthew 6:14 NASB  

Is it possible this Word set Jesus free of our sins before He actually died and will it set us free also before we actually die? What should my reaction be?

My reaction toward my persecutors must reflect my reaction toward God over the loss of my sweetheart. “Thy will be done Lord.”

I knew about Janis what I would have needed to know had we fallen prey to some persecutors of our faith. “Oh death where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”

How could I be angry with God who gave Janis to me to begin with? I have thanked Him in sobbing tears for receiving her into His care. I have thanked Him for a love that was beyond my imagination, again tearfully missing her.

So what should my (our) reaction be to a persecutor?

By God’s grace I will see Janis again and be with her forever. This persecutor will go to hell forever unless he sees the light. How can I endure losing my sweetheart to God in total acceptance of His will and not obey His will that I intercede for those who might kill me? Do I know what Jesus knew? They cannot really kill me, in the same way that Christ and Janis still live in eternity? 

God desires that none shall perish. We must desire that none shall perish. Christ desired that we not perish. They have no chance unless they see the light.

What should my reaction be?

 The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, many others and around the world.

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Exit Strategy End Times: “Jesus had a heart after His blood was gone.”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

Ask yourself “Why do we ask Jesus to be Lord of our lives, and then only acknowledge Him as our sacrificial substitute?”

“Why do we think everything is done, covered by the blood, when Jesus taught us of things for our heart?”

Jesus never taught us that once He died our race was over. He will however draw all men unto Him. Like finding the right tool for a job, The Way, the Truth, and the Life will be filled with the realization we need, to successfully run and endure unto everlasting life.

That which we received freely we are responsible to maintain. Doubt it not if becoming like Him is your goal.

We must have a heart of grace before our blood is gone to have one after. Interceding now made Him our loving intercessor there.

The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, many others and around the world.

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Exit Strategy End Times: “Pastors…he who does not obey the Son….”

“Exit Strategy” (book seen below) is now blowing shofar3available at most e-book venues.

John 3: 34-36   “For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (NKJV, NASB)

How does this verse in John confirm or satisfy a “once saved always saved” doctrine?

I heard a wonderful old preacher from Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, quote the first part of John 3:34-36 and then complete it with the KJV which says, “but he who does not believe the Son will not see life but the wrath of God rests (abides) upon him.” I have addressed this verse in earlier posts, explaining the Greek from the Strong’s Concordance. No doubt the preacher wants souls saved. No doubt he quotes according to his understanding. The problem is, believing in, versus NOT believing in, is NOT the right interpretation regarding how to be saved. Entrusting ourselves to Christ and obeying Christ once you have declared your trust is the correct interpretation of the verse. Obedience to what Christ taught is a requirement to maintain our eternal life! John is saying so. Read my post: “Have you really entrusted yourself to His ways?” You might consider reading all of my posts. These words are meant to guard God’s children. Sure I am a messenger not unlike your pastor, but I have an assignment to the church world-wide. Most will never know me beyond my first name. “Much more,” they will hear, recognize, impliment and share God’s message….as a witness to all the nations…then…”

We seek eternal life but fail to think eternally. We want to live forever but fail to grasp how to do so. We do not lack desire, we have lacked understanding. When understanding comes we must make room for it. We must flush the old understanding. Only proven truth holds life. Jesus passed the Words of Eternal Life on to the Disciples. Correctly understanding those Words means everything. “What you believe is important!” (Right Jimmy Hodgin, of Hope for the Nations?) There is no limit to what the Holy Spirit will show us from the Word, IF we ask, seek and knock after it. I have found asking to be enough.

Ask your pastor about John 3:34-36. He and you will find the second phrase of verse 36 is a qualifier that is a world changer for Christians. Obedience changes everything because obedience is expected of us by God. It was clear to the disciples. They obeyed and they wrote. A lack of obedience on our part leaves us unchanged by Christ’s Lordship. We have not made Him Lord. Were we once fully cleansed but did not learn how to obey and stay clean? We can still chose to obey! Otherwise, “…the wrath of God abides (lives, rests,) upon us.” Look up Romans 5:10 for confirmation.

The disciples knew and lived what they were trying to impart to us. We have missed it due to translation errors and our tendency to transliterate everything we read. That would be OK if there were not some man made errors. We are trusting souls. Someone smarter than us was supposed to have done it right. Jesus and the Disciples did.

Centuries of scholarship has somehow missed these things. Because of the coming times God is making sure we are now discovering these truths. We now will be held accountable. It is our salvation not our condemnation, if we chose obedience.

 The coming times will demand our understanding. Preparing now is paramount. Signs we see mean God’s patience is running out.

You are loved, He waits,


    Exit Strategy

   We initiate the return of Christ!  (The E-book)

Barnes and Noble, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, many others and around the world.